This series was developed during a period of pure magic, it’s the followup of the arrival to paradise after going through the dense secrets of the cosmos. The techniques used are sprays, gradients, pastel acrylics and lots of glitter.
-“It’s my essence in its purest state, my naked soul, my world of dreams where I study gesture as a vehicle of communication.
In this particular collection I dared to use an element that has accompanied me during all of my life, which is glitter. I’m interested in the optic effect generated when looking at the glitter while moving, how it changes colors depending on where it’s looked upon. It’s a reflection of life itself, absolute kineticism.
In this work, which is still in development, I managed to mix the harsh texture of glitter with the sweet histeria of dripping colors to show mental spaces and vivid emotions. A story of liquid velvet.”